Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2, 2010

The Uribe-Martinez family Was Baptized!

Dear Family,

Great News the Uribe-Martinez family was baptized members of the church this last Saturday! Oh man was it great! i got to baptize The mother Maria Guadalupe, and the son Christian, then my companion baptized the daughter Maria guadalupe or Lupita is what we call her haha. Man it was sucha great experience. There were lots of members from the branch there to support them as well. Man i have never baptized a family before but oh boy was it great! They were all just so happy and smiling so big. I think they will progress in the gospel so much more now because they are members and have made the desicion as a family. I got to confirm Christian the son as well the next day. We had a dinner with the branch president on Sunday with all the young men and christian was there also Jesus who is the 16 year old that Elder Puhlmann baptized, who was also confirmed yesterday.We were there and got to talk to them about missions to all the young men in the branch. We stood and quoted section four of the Doctrine and Covenants for them. It was a cool experince. Man I love this family so much. They chose to be baptized not becuase they were convinced that this was the true church of god, but becuase when we had taught them we taught them by the power of the spirit. They felt it. Christian told us last week that one night he was reading in the Book of Mormon, and he stopped and he knelt and prayed and he said he just felt so good inside. He got up and kept reading and knew that the book of mormon was true. It was great, that is how it works. We each must kneel and ask our Father in Heaven if it's true. Maria or Lupita the 13 year old said she knelt and prayed one night and asked if she should be baptized, and she said she fell asleep because she just felt so warm and peaceful. This is how the spirit speaks to us many times is through the feelings of our heart. I know that the Lord lead us to this family. They are some of his precious children. Also guess what... Transfer time again! Im staying though! Man at the end of this coming transfer i will have 7 and a half months here in the branch! I love this branch i never wanna leave. Also guess what..... Im training another new missionary..... haha President McConkie called me saturday and told me i was. But im no longer going to be a zone leader. I think im going to be a District leader. President called me and man i could truly feel his sincerity when he thanked me for all the hard work and diligence as a zone leader. I was one for 9 months. He said that now my job was to be put back into the zone's not to lead the zone but to be an example to the other missionaries and show the excitement and drive. Its like when old men get released from being stake president's or bishop's they go back into the congregation but they continue to be an example to all. So i was alittle relieved but also sad cause i loved being able to serve the other missionaries. But now ill really be able to focus on my area and helping htis new missionary be the very best he can be! Well i love you guys so much. oh and Mom ill probably be able to rest alittle more now not so much worries. haha But i dont need anything. Im doing great. Just trying to bring more children of God unto him. Sounds like everyone is great, i cant wait to see the picture's of Reese and Landon. I may need another pair of slacks... But ill let you know. haha Im okay for now. Tell Tate and Adam hi for me as well, and that i love them. Tell everyone hi and that i love them and congrats to all the cousins. I love you guys. This church is true. We can be a family together forever some day if we do what we are taught in the Lord's church.
Love always,
Elder Riding

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