Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4, 2010

Dear family,
How is everybody? Well this last week was a little tough for me, haha for the first time on my mission here in South Carolina i got sick. The weather this last week had changed and it started to get real cold, well being out on the bike all day wasnt so good for that. So i came down with a little cold, and sinus infection, But dont worry im alright i feel much better, i have been blowing my nose alot and resting. It was tough though cause it just wiped all my energy out. But we still did our very best and went to work when we could. Enough about that though. That is just negative talk haha. Conference wasn't it great! We got to watch it in spanish again. Man i love watching it in spanish, although sometimes i do miss hearing the apostoles voices... haha I really liked Elder Hollands talk it was different it wasnt super long it wasnt really about really any specific subject, he just bore his testimony and just said how all the sacrifices he had seen had really touched him. He is probably one of my favorite speakers, i was listening to a talk by him the other day that he gave in the MTC a while back and he just talks about how his mission truly was the biggest thing that has effected the ENTIRE rest of his life. I feel that it will be the same with me, my entire outlook has changed, My entire personality and just who i am has changed. I know it is because of the struggles i have had on my mission, but as we know all struggles and trials are for our good. I know President Monson is a Prophet of God, he doesnt have to tell us all the Mysteries of the Kingdom, i just can feel it in my heart, i know he is god's mouthpiece to us. If we follow the Counsel he gives we will be safe and have peace in this life. Yesterday one of the less active families we have activated was reading some real hard core anti-mormon literature on the internet, and gave her lots of doubts and man it just hit me so hard, i felt crushed cause they had been progressing so great, but now she doubts alot, but all i could do was tell her that i knew in my heart cause i had prayed and because God who is our Father and who doesnt lie had answered my prayer through his spirit to my heart, and i hope that will be enough to help her, My companion and i told her to Pray that night specifically to ask what was the truth, to let her know what she should do, I hope she did it, cause i know she will recive an answer. Today we are going to go by there and watch Joseph Smith prophet of the Restoration, the hour long movie about his life. Alot of the stuff was about Joseph Smith. Also the Zamora family didnt make it to conference so they cant be baptized this week, we have had some challenges lately, but I KNOW that it is because the Lord is preparing something for us as long as we continue diligently. We went and saw them last night and put them on date for the 16th of October. We had them commit to pray to find out if this is the true church of God. They will come to know. The Book of Mormon is true, It was translated by the power of God. I know that this is true all the things that we learned this last weekend. I love you all. We actually moved apartments recently so before you mail me anything again ill give you our new address. haha Thanks for the Pics man i loved them! The Girls are getting so big, Jadyn is getting so pretty and Harly too, Reese is such a cute girl, and Landon man i cant wait to play with the little guy some day. haha Thanks for the newsletters as well. Well I will Talk to y'all later. I love you, Grandma Love ya! Keep the Faith.
Elder Riding

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