Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19, 2010

Long week full of Meetings. haha

Hey y'all,
Well this last week was.... Great! We had meetings all week from Tuesday to friday. It was crazy. But man we learned some great stuff! President McConkie's Brother came to the first day of meetings. Mark McConkie. He is a stake President in Colorado. Man i learned so much though things that are very basic but truly help so much. Such things as helping our investigators pray, helping them recieve a witness of the Book of Mormon, Helping them attend church, helping us as missionaries teach people not just lessons, following the Spirit, and the Doctrine of Christ or Baptism. Mark McConkie said something that i thought was really good. he said after reading 2 Nephi 31; 5 try and put that scripture into our own words. he said this " Now if the King of ALL kings have need to be baptized to get into His OWN kingdom, how much more need have WE being merely servants of him need to be baptized!" it was pretty intense but it was said really well. Man i just got really motivated to go out and bring people unto christ when i heard that! haha Well Because i was in Columbia all week we Put off the baptism till this next week. It was something i didnt really want to do but my companion didnt feel he could get them all prepared on his own or with the missionaries he was going to be working with in our area while i was gone. But Thursday night the assistants let me and Elder Servin one of my past companions take there car and come back up to greenville to teach Victor and his family. So we did we used all the things that we had been taught previously, at the meetings this week, used the Book of Mormon Testified of the restoration and of Christ, and got them on there knees and prayed with them and each and everyone of them prayed. Victor, his wife maria, his daughter Maria, and his son Christian. Then we committed them for the 24th of July to be baptized and the way that we committ people is the way they do in Preach my Gopsel. It says "Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of God?" So when they heard that i think they thought we asked them who did they want to baptize them, then the Mom said instead of saying "yes i will be baptized." she said " I want him to baptize me" while pointing at me... haha she kinda mutters a bit so i didnt quite understand what she said, then Elder Servin said She wants you to baptize her. I was like Oh shoot! Okay! Then we asked Maria the daughter and she did the same thing. haha It was funny. Also great news is Victor got work! he is working at a Japanese steak house. haha He is going to be a chef. But he had to work this last Sunday so he didnt make it to church neither did his family, i was stressing, but this week we are going by to visit them with the Branch president and Elder's Quorum President and RS president. So they will actually probably get baptized Sunday. It sgunna be great! Keep them in your prayers, also Victor so that he doesnt have to work anymore on sundays. Keep my companion in your prayers as well, He is struggling he is struggling to get a testimony, he has never read the book of Mormon or prayed about it, or to see if this is even true. It is said when we teach when its his turn there is no power behind his teaching. Im basically treating him like an investigator and give him reading assignments and we study together and pray to get answers together, and basically if he was and investigator. I love him sometimes it is real hard and he sometimes doesnt really care to even try and get a testimony. So please keep him in your prayers. Well Im pooped. President McConkie told me " Elder the best way to go home would be in an ambulance rather than an airplane, cause you will know you really gave it your all." haha I was like man that will probably be me. I am always pooped its just lots of work. But man its a great tired. Tired in the Lord. I have also been going running every morningman that feels good too. ahah Yes Dad i got the pills and everything thanks so much! Also thanks for the line of Authority. Man President Monson set Grandpa apart??? Cool! Well Congrats Ash on all the great work with getting a promotion and getting the Braces off! Tell All the cousins congrats for me! I love you guys so much. I know that this message is true, it is implanting itself deep in my heart. When we testify of Joseph Smith we are truly testifying of Christ, because he is HIS Prophet in these days. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, read it and read it over again! Pray about it. It is perfect. I love you all so very mcuh.
Elder Michael Riding

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